Herpes simplex virus Serology (HSV) (IgG 2) Type Specific

Test Method
(HSV) (IgG 2) Type Specific
Specimen Required
Blood (Gel Tube), Blood (Whole), Plasma, Serum
Spec Type Min
When Tested
2x Weekly
Turnaround Time
Up to 7 Days
Reference Ranges
IgG & IgM
cutoff control value = 0.100
equiv = 0.1-0.2
low pos = 0.2-0.399
pos ³ 0.400
Batch specific
Type 1 & type 2
cutoff control mean = cutoff value
neg pos > cutoff value
equiv +/- 10% of cutoff value
Units of Measurement
Optical density
9342 9647 / 9342 9648